Stroke count: 21
Meaning: nightingale
Kunyomi: うぐいす
Onyomi: オウ
Composition: 鳥
Radical: 鳥
Meaning: bird
鶯谷 (オウコク) warbler being in a valley, valley in which warblers live, remaining obscure and unsuccessful
鶯遷 (オウセン) warbler flying from a valley to a tree, finding success in life, passing the palace examination
鶯 (うぐいす) Japanese bush warbler (Horornis diphone), Japanese nightingale, greenish brown, beautiful voice, woman with a beautiful voice
うぐいす餡 (うぐいすあん) sweet brownish-green paste made from green peas
高麗鶯 (こうらいうぐいす) black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis)
初鴬 (はつうぐいす) first Japanese bush warbler to chirp this year (i.e. spring)
Stroke count: 21
Meaning: nightingale
Kunyomi: うぐいす
Onyomi: オウ
Composition: 鳥
Radical: 鳥
Meaning: bird
鶯谷 (オウコク) warbler being in a valley, valley in which warblers live, remaining obscure and unsuccessful
鶯遷 (オウセン) warbler flying from a valley to a tree, finding success in life, passing the palace examination
鶯 (うぐいす) Japanese bush warbler (Horornis diphone), Japanese nightingale, greenish brown, beautiful voice, woman with a beautiful voice
うぐいす餡 (うぐいすあん) sweet brownish-green paste made from green peas
高麗鶯 (こうらいうぐいす) black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis)
初鴬 (はつうぐいす) first Japanese bush warbler to chirp this year (i.e. spring)