2187 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 15
Meaning: seagull
Kunyomi: かもめ
Onyomi: オウ
Composition: 区 鳥
Radical: 鳥
Meaning: bird
鴎 (かもめ) common gull (Larus canus), mew gull, gull (Laridae spp.), seagull
鴎髱 (かもめづと) chignon resembling a seagull's spread tail feathers (Edo-period women's hairstyle)
笑い鴎 (わらいかもめ) laughing gull (Leucophaeus atricilla)
盗賊鴎 (とうぞくかもめ) skua (any bird of family Stercorariidae, incl. the jaegers), pomarine jaeger (Stercorarius pomarinus), pomarine skua