
Jinmeiyō kanji, used in names

Stroke count: 21

Meaning: flip over, upset, capsize

Kunyomi: ひるがえ.す ひるがえ.る

Onyomi: ハン ホン




Meaning: fly


Onyomi Examples

ハン han, fan, unit that doubles the score of a hand

翻訳 ホンヤク translation, deciphering, decoding, translation

翻弄 ホンロウ trifling with, toying with, playing with, making sport of, making fun of, leading around by the nose, tossing about (a ship)

Kunyomi Examples

翻す ひるがえす to turn over, to turn around, to change (one's mind), to reverse (one's decision), to take back (one's words), to fly (flag, etc.), to wave (skirt, cape, etc.)

翻る ひるがえる to flutter (in the wind), to wave, to flap, to fly, to turn over, to flip over, to suddenly change (attitude, opinion, etc.), to suddenly switch, to alter, to flip