
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 4

JLPT level: N3

70 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 14

Meaning: connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning

Kunyomi: せき -ぜき かか.わる からくり かんぬき

Onyomi: カン




Reading: もんがまえ

Meaning: gate

Strokes: 8


Examples with audio

東(かんとう)   eastern half of Japan

西(かんさい)   south-western half of Japan

節(かんせつ)   a joint (in the body)

心(かんしん)   interest, concern

(げんかん)   entry hall

(ぜいかん)   the customs (at airport)

係する(かんけいする)   be related

所(せきしょ)   checkpoint

わる(かかわる)   concern oneself, have to do with

Onyomi Examples

カン barrier, gate

カンケイ relation, relationship, connection, participation, involvement, concern, influence, effect, sexual relations, sexual relationship, related to, connected to

レンカン connection, relation, linkage

ツウカン customs clearance

Kunyomi Examples

せき barrier, gate, seki (in go), mutual life

せきとり ranking wrestler in the makuuchi (senior-grade) or juryo (junior-grade) divisions

霞ヶ かすみがせき Kasumigaseki, district of Tokyo where most of Japan's government ministry offices are located, government ministries (of Japan), Japanese government bureaucracy

わる かかわる to be affected, to be influenced, to be concerned with, to have to do with, to stick to (opinions)

覗き機 のぞきからくり peep show, device with lens mounted on a stand or in a box to view enlarged pictures

水機 みずからくり puppet powered by (falling) water, water-powered contrivance, show using such a device (in Edo-period Osaka)