蜀江の錦 (しょっこうのにしき) type of red brocade originally from the ancient Chinese country of Shu and passed on in Japan, type of brocade made in Sichuan during the Ming period
綾錦 (あやにしき) twill damask and brocade
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
JLPT level: N1
1440 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 16
Meaning: brocade, fine dress, honors
Kunyomi: にしき
Onyomi: キン
Composition: 金 帛
Radical: 金
Meaning: metal, gold
Onyomi Examples
錦華鳥 (キンカチョウ) zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
錦旗 (キンキ) pennant, gold-brocade flag
蜀錦 (ショッキン) type of brocade
Kunyomi Examples
錦 (にしき) brocade, fine dress, fine clothes
錦絵 (にしきえ) nishiki-e, multi-colour woodblock print
蜀江の錦 (しょっこうのにしき) type of red brocade originally from the ancient Chinese country of Shu and passed on in Japan, type of brocade made in Sichuan during the Ming period