Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 2
1096 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 7
Meaning: ri, village, parent's home, league
Kunyomi: さと
Onyomi: リ
Radical: 里
Reading: さと
Meaning: village, mile
Strokes: 7
郷里(きょうり) birth-place, home town
海里(かいり) nautical mile, 1852m, 6080ft
一里塚(いちりづか) milestone
里(さと) home, village
里芋(さといも) taro (type of tuber)
山里(やまざと) mountain hamlet
里 (リ) Japanese league, ri, old Japanese unit of distance, approx. 3.927 km or 2.44 miles, neighbourhood (under the ritsuryō system; orig. of 50 homes), unit of area (approx. 654 m by 654 m)
俚言 (リゲン) dialect, language of the common people, colloquial language, slang
万里 (バンリ) thousands of miles
海里 (カイリ) nautical mile
里 (さと) village, hamlet, countryside, country, home (of one's parents, etc.), hometown, one's origins, one's upbringing, one's past
里親 (さとおや) foster parent, foster parents, (pet) caretaker
お里 (おさと) one's parents' home, one's origins, one's upbringing, one's past
夏山冬里 (なつやまふゆさと) pasturing cattle in summer and feeding them indoors during winter, rotated grazing
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 2
1096 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 7
Meaning: ri, village, parent's home, league
Kunyomi: さと
Onyomi: リ
Radical: 里
Reading: さと
Meaning: village, mile
Strokes: 7
郷里(きょうり) birth-place, home town
海里(かいり) nautical mile, 1852m, 6080ft
一里塚(いちりづか) milestone
里(さと) home, village
里芋(さといも) taro (type of tuber)
山里(やまざと) mountain hamlet
里 (リ) Japanese league, ri, old Japanese unit of distance, approx. 3.927 km or 2.44 miles, neighbourhood (under the ritsuryō system; orig. of 50 homes), unit of area (approx. 654 m by 654 m)
俚言 (リゲン) dialect, language of the common people, colloquial language, slang
万里 (バンリ) thousands of miles
海里 (カイリ) nautical mile
里 (さと) village, hamlet, countryside, country, home (of one's parents, etc.), hometown, one's origins, one's upbringing, one's past
里親 (さとおや) foster parent, foster parents, (pet) caretaker
お里 (おさと) one's parents' home, one's origins, one's upbringing, one's past
夏山冬里 (なつやまふゆさと) pasturing cattle in summer and feeding them indoors during winter, rotated grazing