Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
Stroke count: 13
Meaning: humble, modest
Kunyomi: したが.う へりくだ.る ゆず.る
Onyomi: ソン
Composition: 孫 辶
Radical: 辵
Meaning: walk
遜色 (ソンショク) inferiority
遜色がある (ソンショクガアル) inferior to, suffering by comparison with, unable to compare with
不遜 (フソン) arrogance, insolence, disrespect
尊大不遜 (ソンダイフソン) arrogant and presumptuous, haughty arrogance, intolerable insolence
謙る (へりくだる) to deprecate oneself and praise the listener, to abase oneself