Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
JLPT level: N3
931 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 9
Meaning: escape, flee, shirk, evade, set free
Kunyomi: に.げる, に.がす, のが.す, のが.れる
Onyomi: トウ
Composition: 兆 ⻌
Radical: 辵
Reading: しんにょう
Meaning: walk
Strokes: 3
逃亡者(とうぼうしゃ) runaway, fugitive
逃走する(とうそうする) run away, escape
逃亡する(とうぼうする) run away, escape
逃避する(とうひする) escape, evade
逃がす(にがす) let loose, set free, [v.t.]
逃げる(にげる) escape, run away [v.i.]
逃げ道(にげみち) way out, escape route
逃す(のがす) miss, waste, let slip [v.t.]
見逃す(みのがす) miss, overlook
逃れる(のがれる) escape, evade [v.i.]
言い逃れ(いいのがれ) evasion, excuse
逃亡 (トウボウ) escape, flight, running away, elopement, fleeing
逃走 (トウソウ) flight, desertion, escape
逃げる (にげる) to escape, to run away
逃げるが勝ち (にげるがかち) he that fights and runs away may live to fight another day, fleeing is winning
逃がす (にがす) to set free, to let go, to release, to miss (e.g. a chance), to lose, to let get away, to fail to catch
逃す (のがす) to miss (e.g. a chance), to lose, to let get away, to set free, to let go, to fail to ...
逃れる (のがれる) to escape