Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
JLPT level: N2
1269 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 11
Meaning: soft
Kunyomi: やわ.らか やわ.らかい
Onyomi: ナン
Composition: 車 欠
Radical: 車
Reading: くるまへん
Meaning: cart, car
Strokes: 7
軟骨(なんこつ) cartilage
軟水(なんすい) soft water
軟着陸(なんちゃくりく) soft-landing
軟式テニス(なんしきテニス) tennis (played with soft ball)
軟弱な(なんじゃくな) weak
柔軟な(じゅうなんな) flexible, lithe
軟化する(なんかする) soften, mollify
軟らかい(やわらかい) soft, tender, limp
軟 (ナン) soft
軟化 (ナンカ) softening, softening (of attitude), mollification, weakening (of the market), blanching (of vegetables; by depriving of light)
硬軟 (コウナン) hardness and softness, hard line and moderate line
柔らか (やわらか) soft, tender, pliant, supple, soft (colour, light, etc.), subdued, gentle (demeanour, voice, etc.), mild, informal, light, flexible (e.g. thinking)
柔らかい (やわらかい) soft, tender, pliant, supple, limber, limp, gentle, mild, mellow, informal, light, flexible (e.g. thinking)
柔らかい (やわらかい) soft, tender, pliant, supple, limber, limp, gentle, mild, mellow, informal, light, flexible (e.g. thinking)
柔らかい文章 (やわらかいぶんしょう) informal style
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
JLPT level: N2
1269 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 11
Meaning: soft
Kunyomi: やわ.らか やわ.らかい
Onyomi: ナン
Composition: 車 欠
Radical: 車
Reading: くるまへん
Meaning: cart, car
Strokes: 7
軟骨(なんこつ) cartilage
軟水(なんすい) soft water
軟着陸(なんちゃくりく) soft-landing
軟式テニス(なんしきテニス) tennis (played with soft ball)
軟弱な(なんじゃくな) weak
柔軟な(じゅうなんな) flexible, lithe
軟化する(なんかする) soften, mollify
軟らかい(やわらかい) soft, tender, limp
軟 (ナン) soft
軟化 (ナンカ) softening, softening (of attitude), mollification, weakening (of the market), blanching (of vegetables; by depriving of light)
硬軟 (コウナン) hardness and softness, hard line and moderate line
柔らか (やわらか) soft, tender, pliant, supple, soft (colour, light, etc.), subdued, gentle (demeanour, voice, etc.), mild, informal, light, flexible (e.g. thinking)
柔らかい (やわらかい) soft, tender, pliant, supple, limber, limp, gentle, mild, mellow, informal, light, flexible (e.g. thinking)
柔らかい (やわらかい) soft, tender, pliant, supple, limber, limp, gentle, mild, mellow, informal, light, flexible (e.g. thinking)
柔らかい文章 (やわらかいぶんしょう) informal style