
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 5

JLPT level: N2

762 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 13

Meaning: bountiful, excellent, rich

Kunyomi: ゆた.か とよ

Onyomi: ホウ




Reading: まめ

Meaning: bean

Strokes: 7


Examples with audio

作(ほうさく)   abundant harvest, bumper crop

漁(ほうりょう)   good catch, good haul

穣(ほうじょう)   good harvest, abundant crop

富な(ほうふな)   abundant, rich

潤な(ほうじゅんな)   rich, luxurious, abundant

かな(ゆたかな)   abundant, rich

Onyomi Examples

ホウフ abundant, plentiful, rich, ample

ホウサク abundant harvest, bumper crop

リョウホウ Ryōhō (the two former provinces of Buzen and Bungo)

ニホウ Nihō (the two former provinces of Buzen and Bungo)

ホウジョウ fertile, productive, fruitful

山派 ブザンハ Buzan sect (of Shingi Shingon Buddhism)

Kunyomi Examples

ゆたか abundant, plentiful, rich, ample, rich, wealthy, affluent, well-off, open (mind), relaxed, easy, plump (e.g. breasts), full, ample, (well) over, (easily) in excess of

かの海 ゆたかのうみ Mare Fecunditatis (lunar mare), Sea of Fertility

葦原瑞穂国 とよあしはらのみずほのくに Japan

受大神宮 とようけだいじんぐう Toyouke Shrine (the outer shrine of Ise Shrine), Toyuke Shrine