袈裟 (ケサ) kasaya, monk's stole, wearing an article of clothing in the same manner as a kasaya (i.e. draped over one shoulder)
袈裟懸け (ケサガケ) wearing a kasaya, wearing an article of clothing in the same manner as a kasaya (i.e. draped over one shoulder), slashing (someone) with a sword diagonally from the shoulder
Jinmeiyō kanji, used in names
JLPT level: N1
Stroke count: 11
Meaning: a coarse camlet
Onyomi: ケ カ
Composition: 加 衣
Radical: 衣
Meaning: clothes
Onyomi Examples
袈裟 (ケサ) kasaya, monk's stole, wearing an article of clothing in the same manner as a kasaya (i.e. draped over one shoulder)
袈裟懸け (ケサガケ) wearing a kasaya, wearing an article of clothing in the same manner as a kasaya (i.e. draped over one shoulder), slashing (someone) with a sword diagonally from the shoulder