Stroke count: 18
Meaning: thicket, bush, underbrush, grove
Kunyomi: やぶ
Onyomi: ソウ
Composition: 艹 數
Radical: 艸
Meaning: grass
藪沢 (ソウタク) wetland with abundant vegetation, place where things are gathered
淵叢 (エンソウ) gathering spot, center, centre
談叢 (ダンソウ) a number of interesting stories, book containing a number of interesting stories
藪 (やぶ) thicket, bush, grove, scrub, (medical) quack
藪医 (やぶい) (medical) quack
竹やぶ (たけやぶ) bamboo grove
草藪 (くさやぶ) thicket, bush, clump of bushes
Stroke count: 18
Meaning: thicket, bush, underbrush, grove
Kunyomi: やぶ
Onyomi: ソウ
Composition: 艹 數
Radical: 艸
Meaning: grass
藪沢 (ソウタク) wetland with abundant vegetation, place where things are gathered
淵叢 (エンソウ) gathering spot, center, centre
談叢 (ダンソウ) a number of interesting stories, book containing a number of interesting stories
藪 (やぶ) thicket, bush, grove, scrub, (medical) quack
藪医 (やぶい) (medical) quack
竹やぶ (たけやぶ) bamboo grove
草藪 (くさやぶ) thicket, bush, clump of bushes