Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 6
JLPT level: N3
458 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 8
Meaning: young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature
Kunyomi: わか.い, わか-, も.しくわ, も.し, も.しくは, ごと.し
Onyomi: ジャク, ニャク, ニャ
Composition: 艹 右
Radical: 艸
Reading: くさかんむり
Meaning: grass
Strokes: 3
若年(じゃくねん) youth
若干(じゃっかん) some
若輩(じゃくはい) young person, novice
老若男女(ろうにゃくなんにょ) men and women of all ages
若い(わかい) young
若者(わかもの) youth
若手(わかて) young person
若しも(もしも) if
若年 (ジャクネン) youth
若僧 (ニャクソウ) young monk, boy monk
老若 (ロウニャク) young and old, all ages
瞠若 (ドウジャク) (staring in) astonishment, amazement
若僧 (ニャクソウ) young monk, boy monk
若道 (ニャクドウ) homosexuality, pederasty
老若 (ロウニャク) young and old, all ages
若僧 (ニャクソウ) young monk, boy monk
若道 (ニャクドウ) homosexuality, pederasty
般若 (ハンニャ) prajna (wisdom required to attain enlightenment), noh mask of a grinning, horned demoness (represents a woman's rage and jealousy), family crest designed after the Hannya noh mask, dreadful face (esp. of a woman driven mad by jealousy), terrifying facial expression
麦般若 (ムギハンニャ) beer
若い (わかい) young, youthful, immature, green, low (number), small
若い頃 (わかいころ) one's youth, early life, one's early days, one's early years
若し (もし) if, in case, supposing
若しかしたら (もしかしたら) perhaps, maybe, perchance, by some chance, by any chance
若しくは (もしくは) or, otherwise
如し (ごとし) like, as if, the same as