
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 2

JLPT level: N4

621 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 6

Meaning: color

Kunyomi: いろ

Onyomi: ショク シキ

Composition: 𠂊



Reading: いろ

Meaning: colour, prettiness

Strokes: 6


Examples with audio

地方(ちほうしょく)   local color

(けしき)   scenery, landscape

(なにいろ)   what color

(きいろ)   yellow

々(いろいろ)   various

(かおいろ)   complexion

Onyomi Examples

ショク counter for colours

ムラサキイロ purple, violet

サイシキ colouring, coloring, colouration, coloration, painting

シキ rupa (form), visible objects (i.e. color and form)

シキサイ colour, color, hue, tints

サイシキ colouring, coloring, colouration, coloration, painting

極彩 ゴクサイシキ richly colored, richly coloured

Kunyomi Examples

いろ colour, color, hue, tint, tinge, shade, complexion, skin colour, skin color, look (on one's face), expression, appearance, air, feeling, personality, character, tone (of one's voice, etc.), tune, sound, ring, love, lust, sensuality, love affair, lover, paramour, beauty, sexiness, physical appeal, kind, type, variety

合い いろあい colouring, coloring, shade (of colour), hue, tone, tinge, tint, flavour, nuance, feel, sense, look

むらさきいろ purple, violet

だいだいいろ orange (color, colour)