
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 5

JLPT level: N1

1477 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 10

Meaning: vein, pulse, hope

Kunyomi: すじ

Onyomi: ミャク

Composition: 𠂢



Reading: にくづき

Meaning: meat

Strokes: 4


Examples with audio

(みゃく)   pulse

拍(みゃくはく)   pulse, pulsation

絡(みゃくらく)   chain of reasoning, coherence

(ぶんみゃく)   context

(どうみゃく)   artery

(じょうみゃく)   vein

(さんみゃく)   mountain range

(ようみゃく)   veins of a leaf

不整(ふせいみゃく)   irregular pulse, arrhythmia

な(らんみゃくな)   chaotic, disorderly

Onyomi Examples

ミャク pulse, vein, chain (of mountains, etc.), hope, thread (of an argument)

ミャクハク pulse, pulse rate, pulsation, stroke of pulse

大動 ダイドウミャク aorta, important traffic route

ドウミャク artery