
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high

1806 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 10

Meaning: armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role

Kunyomi: わき わけ

Onyomi: キョウ




Meaning: meat


Onyomi Examples

ワキジ flanking image (e.g. in a Buddha triad)

キョウソク armrest

Kunyomi Examples

わき armpit, under one's arm, side, flank, beside, close to, near, by, aside, to the side, away, out of the way, off-track, off-topic, deuteragonist, supporting role, second verse (in a linked series of poems)

わきみ looking from the side, looking aside

とこわき section of a room next to the alcove (where shelves are often placed)

くちわき edges of the mouth

せきわけ wrestler of the third highest rank