
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 5

JLPT level: N1

125 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 12

Meaning: overall, relationship, ruling, governing

Kunyomi: す.べる ほび.る

Onyomi: トウ




Reading: いとへん

Meaning: silk

Strokes: 6


Examples with audio

計(とうけい)   statistics

率力(とうそつりょく)   leadership, generalship

(でんとう)   tradition, convention

(けいとう)   system, genealogy, phylogeny

(けっとう)   lineage, pedigree, family line

領(だいとうりょう)   president, head of state

派(せいとうは)   orthodox school

制する(とうせいする)   regulate, control

治する(とうちする)   rule, reign, govern

一する(とういつする)   unite, consolidate

合する(とうごうする)   integrate, unify, synthesize

べる(すべる)   control, supervise

Onyomi Examples

トウカツ unification, bringing together, generalization, control, supervision

トウイツ unity, consolidation, uniformity, unification, compatible

ソウトウ supreme ruler, generalissimo, president (of Taiwan), führer, fuehrer

ケイトウ accession to the throne

Kunyomi Examples

べる すべる to rule over, to govern, to command, to control, to integrate, to consolidate, to unite, to incorporate