
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high

JLPT level: N2

806 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 12

Meaning: entwine, coil around, get caught in

Kunyomi: から.む から.まる

Onyomi: ラク




Reading: いとへん

Meaning: silk

Strokes: 6


Examples with audio

(みゃくらく)   chain of reasoning, logic

的な(たんらくてきな)   over-abbreviated, simplistic

する(れんらくする)   notify, communicate, contact

む(からむ)   become entangled with [v.i.]

める(からめる)   entwine [v.t.]

まる(からまる)   get caught in, entwine [v.i.]

Onyomi Examples

ラクエキ constant (stream of traffic), incessant

糸嬢 ラクシジョウ cricket, bush-cricket

タンラク short circuit, short, illogical jump, drawing a hasty inference (between two events), jumping to conclusions, acting rashly

ミャクラク logical connection, chain of reasoning, coherence, context, blood vessel

Kunyomi Examples

からむ to twine, to get tangled, to get entangled, to get caught (in), to be involved (e.g. of money in a matter), to get involved (in), to be a factor (in), to have an influence, to pick a quarrel (with), to find fault (with), to pester, to hassle

まる からまる to be entwined, to be involved