
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 4

JLPT level: N3

541 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 16

Meaning: volume, product (x*y), acreage, contents, pile up, stack, load, amass

Kunyomi: つ.む -づ.み つ.もる つ.もり

Onyomi: セキ




Reading: のぎへん

Meaning: grain

Strokes: 5


Examples with audio

雪(せきせつ)   fallen snow

(めんせき)   area, square measure

(たいせき)   capacity volume

(ようせき)   capacity volume

極的な(せっきょくてきな)   positive, active, proactive

する(ちくせきする)   accumulate, store

する(さんせきする)   pile up, lie in a heap [v.i.]

む(つむ)   pile, stack, load [v.t.]

み(やまづみ)   huge mound, heap

もる(つもる)   pile up [v.i.]

もる(みつもる)   estimate [v.t.]

Onyomi Examples

セキ product, volume, area

セキサイ lading, loading, carrying

作付面 サクヅケメンセキ planted area

チクセキ accumulation, accumulate, store

Kunyomi Examples

つむ to pile up, to stack, to load (car, ship, etc.), to pack, to acquire, to accumulate

もる つもる to pile up, to accumulate, to estimate

もり つもり intention, plan, purpose, expectation, belief, assumption, thought, conviction, estimate, estimation, calculation

り書 つもりがき written estimate

お見もり おみつもり quotation, quote

相見もり あいみつもり (obtaining) quotes from several companies, (fielding) competitive bids, competitive bidding