
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 5

JLPT level: N2

448 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 11

Meaning: shift, move, change, drift, catch (cold, fire), pass into

Kunyomi: うつ.る うつ.す





Reading: のぎへん

Meaning: grain

Strokes: 5


Examples with audio

民(いみん)   immigrant

動する(いどうする)   move, transfer, migrate

転する(いてんする)   move, move house

植する(いしょくする)   transplant, graft [v.t.]

籍する(いせきする)   change family or team

住する(いじゅうする)   migrate, immigrate, emigrate

する(てんいする)   spread, metastasize

る(うつる)   move, spread, transfer [v.i.]

す(うつす)   move, spread, transfer [v.t.]

Onyomi Examples

イコウ transition, changeover, switchover, shift, transfer (of powers, weight, etc.), shift (e.g. of centre of gravity)

イカン transfer of control

テンイ moving (location, with the times, etc.), change, transition, metastasis, spread, transition (e.g. phase transition), transfer (of learning), transference (in psychoanalysis)

ヘンイ change, alteration, transmutation, mutation

Kunyomi Examples

うつる to move (house), to transfer (department), to change the target of interest or concern, to elapse (passage of time), to be permeated by a colour or scent, to be infected, to be contagious, to spread (as in fire)

うつす to change, to swap, to substitute, to transfer, to change the object of one's interest or focus, to spend or take time, to infect, to permeate something with the smell or colour of something, to move on to the next or different stage of (a plan, etc.)