
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high

JLPT level: N3

1051 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 11

Meaning: steal, rob, pilfer

Kunyomi: ぬす.む ぬす.み

Onyomi: トウ




Reading: さら

Meaning: dish

Strokes: 5


Examples with audio

難(とうなん)   theft

品(とうひん)   stolen goods

(せっとう)   stealing

(ごうとう)   burglary

む(ぬすむ)   steal

み聞きする(ぬすみぎきする)   eavesdrop

Onyomi Examples

トウチョウ interception (email), wiretap, bug

トウゾク thief, robber, burglar, bandit

カイトウ mysterious thief, phantom thief

ゴウトウ robbery, robber

Kunyomi Examples

ぬすむ to steal, to plagiarize, to steal (a technique, idea, etc.), to watch and learn, to do stealthily, to do during scant time, to steal a base

ぬすみ stealing

み足 ぬすみあし stealthy steps