
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 4

JLPT level: N3

700 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 15

Meaning: heat, temperature, fever, mania, passion

Kunyomi: あつ.い

Onyomi: ネツ




Reading: れっか

Meaning: fire

Strokes: 4


Examples with audio

(ねつ)   fever, temperature

(こうねつ)   high fever, high temperature

(じょうねつ)   passion

費(こうねつひ)   lighting and heating expenses

湯(ねっとう)   boiling water

心な(ねっしんな)   enthusiastic

する(かねつする)   heat [v.t.]

する(はつねつする)   generate heat

中する(ねっちゅうする)   be absorbed, enthusiastic

い(あつい)   hot

Onyomi Examples

ネツ heat, fever, temperature, zeal, passion, enthusiasm, mania, craze, rage

ネツイ zeal, enthusiasm, ardor, ardour

ハツネツ generation of heat, (attack of) fever, pyrexia

ゲネツ lowering a fever, alleviation of fever

Kunyomi Examples

あつい hot (to the touch), passionate (feelings, etc.), ardent, hot (e.g. gaze), hot (e.g. temper), zealous, enthusiastic, fired up, intense, severe, extreme, hot (topic), of interest

い暗黒物質 あついあんこくぶっしつ hot dark matter