
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high

JLPT level: N1

973 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 12

Meaning: char, hurry, impatient, irritate, burn, scorch, singe

Kunyomi: こ.げる こ.がす こ.がれる あせ.る じ.れる じ.らす

Onyomi: ショウ




Reading: れっか

Meaning: fire

Strokes: 4


Examples with audio

土(しょうど)   scorched earth

点(しょうてん)   focus, point

燥感(しょうそうかん)   impatience, uneasiness

げる(こげる)   burn, be burned [v.i.]

がす(こがす)   burn, scorch, singe [v.t.]

がれる(こいこがれる)   yearn for, be deeply in love

待ちがれる(まちこがれる)   long for

る(あせる)   be in a hurry, be impatient

Onyomi Examples

ショウテン focus, focal point, focus (of attention, a discussion, etc.), point at issue, central point, focus

ショウソウ impatience, uneasiness, irritation, fretfulness

ガッショウ being in focus, bringing into focus

チュウショウ middle jiao (in traditional Chinese medicine), middle burner

Kunyomi Examples

げる こげる to burn, to scorch, to char, to singe

がす こがす to burn, to scorch, to singe, to char

がれる こがれる to yearn for, to be in love with

あせる to be in a hurry, to be impatient, to be anxious (to do), to fret, to get a fright, to panic, to get flustered, to be startled

れる じれる to get impatient, to become irritated, to fret, to chafe

らす じらす to tease, to irritate, to tantalize, to keep (someone) in suspense