
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 3

JLPT level: N2

690 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 8

Meaning: oil, fat

Kunyomi: あぶら

Onyomi: ユウ




Reading: さんずい

Meaning: water

Strokes: 3


Examples with audio

脂(ゆし)   fat, fats and oils

(せきゆ)   oil, petroleum, kerosene

(とうゆ)   lamp oil, kerosene

(しょうゆ)   soy sauce

潤滑(じゅんかつゆ)   lubricating oil

断する(ゆだんする)   neglect, relax one's guard

(あぶら)   oil

絵(あぶらえ)   oil painting

Onyomi Examples

ユセイ oil well

ユサイ oil painting

ジュウユ heavy oil, fuel oil

ケイユ diesel oil, diesel fuel, gas oil, light oil

ユショク coating a painting with a layer of transparent oil

ユウゼン gushingly, freely (welling up), copiously

Kunyomi Examples

あぶら oil

あぶらえ oil painting

匂い においあぶら perfumed hair oil

機械 きかいあぶら machine oil