
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high

JLPT level: N1

1843 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 5

Meaning: soup, juice, broth, sap, gravy, pus

Kunyomi: しる -しる つゆ

Onyomi: ジュウ




Meaning: water


Onyomi Examples

ジュウエキ juice

カジュウ fruit juice

タンジュウ bile, gall

Kunyomi Examples

しる juice, sap, soup, broth, (dipping) sauce

しるけ juice

いしる ishiru, ishiri, fish sauce made of salted and fermented sardines, mackerel, or squid; specialty of the Noto Peninsula

あいしる mixture of lime and fermented indigo leaves after the indigo dye has precipitated from the leaves (byproduct in the process of creating indigo dye)

しる juice, sap, soup, broth, (dipping) sauce

だく つゆだく soupy, containing more broth or sauce than usual (of gyudon, etc.)

おつゆ broth, soup (esp. miso soup)

蕎麦つゆ そばつゆ soba dipping sauce