2348 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 9
Meaning: warp, bend, strained, distort
Kunyomi: いが.む いびつ ひず.む ゆが.む
Onyomi: ワイ エ
Composition: 丕 正
Radical: 止
Meaning: stop
歪曲 (ワイキョク) distortion, falsification, perversion
歪度 (ワイド) skewness
歪む (ゆがむ) to warp, to bend, to contort, to be perverted, to be warped (of a view, mind, etc.), to be distorted, to be cross-grained
歪 (いびつ) distorted, crooked, irregular, warped, oval, elliptical shape, round, wooden container for cooked rice, oval coin
歪む (ひずむ) to warp, to become strained, to become distorted, to become crooked
歪む (ゆがむ) to warp, to bend, to contort, to be perverted, to be warped (of a view, mind, etc.), to be distorted, to be cross-grained
2348 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 9
Meaning: warp, bend, strained, distort
Kunyomi: いが.む いびつ ひず.む ゆが.む
Onyomi: ワイ エ
Composition: 丕 正
Radical: 止
Meaning: stop
歪曲 (ワイキョク) distortion, falsification, perversion
歪度 (ワイド) skewness
歪む (ゆがむ) to warp, to bend, to contort, to be perverted, to be warped (of a view, mind, etc.), to be distorted, to be cross-grained
歪 (いびつ) distorted, crooked, irregular, warped, oval, elliptical shape, round, wooden container for cooked rice, oval coin
歪む (ひずむ) to warp, to become strained, to become distorted, to become crooked
歪む (ゆがむ) to warp, to bend, to contort, to be perverted, to be warped (of a view, mind, etc.), to be distorted, to be cross-grained