
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 5

JLPT level: N2

387 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 8

Meaning: warrior, military, chivalry, arms

Kunyomi: たけ たけ.し





Reading: とめる

Meaning: stop

Strokes: 4


Examples with audio

士(ぶし)   warrior, samurai

器(ぶき)   weapon, arms

力(ぶりょく)   military power

術(ぶじゅつ)   martial arts

道(ぶどう)   martial arts, Bushido

装する(ぶそうする)   be armed

者震い(むしゃぶるい)   shake with excitement [n.]

者(かげむしゃ)   secret power broker

Onyomi Examples

the art of war, martial arts, military arts, military force, the sword, valor, bravery, military officer, military man

ブキ weapon, arms, ordnance, weapon (something used to gain an advantage), asset

ブンブ literary and military arts, the pen and the sword

イブ authority and force

ムシャ warrior

者修行 ムシャシュギョウ traveling about to gain skill in combat (travelling)

ケンム Kenmu era (of unified Japan; 1334.1.29-1336.2.29), Kenmu era (of the Northern Court; 1336.2.29-1338.8.28)

ゲンブ Black Tortoise (god said to rule over the northern heavens), seven mansions (Chinese constellations) of the northern heavens

Kunyomi Examples

たけし brave

たけし brave