Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 2
JLPT level: N4
373 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 13
Meaning: music, comfort, ease
Kunyomi: たの.しい, たの.しむ, この.む
Onyomi: ガク, ラク, ゴウ
Composition: 木
Radical: 木
Reading: き
Meaning: tree
Strokes: 4
楽器(がっき) musical instrument
音楽(おんがく) music
楽な(らくな) comfortable
楽園(らくえん) paradise
楽観する(らっかんする) be optimistic
楽観的な(らっかんてきな) optimistic
楽しい(たのしい) fun
楽しみ(たのしみ) enjoyment
楽しむ(たのしむ) enjoy oneself
楽 (ガク) music, old Japanese court music, gagaku
楽章 (ガクショウ) (musical) movement
邦楽 (ホウガク) Japanese music (esp. traditional Japanese music)
室内楽 (シツナイガク) chamber music
楽 (ラク) comfort, ease, relief, (at) peace, relaxation, easy, simple, without trouble, without hardships, (economically) comfortable, raku pottery, sukha (happiness)
楽園 (ラクエン) paradise, Eden, Elysium
千秋楽 (センシュウラク) concluding festivities, concluding program, concluding programme, final day of a tournament
行楽 (コウラク) outing, excursion, pleasure trip, going on a picnic
猿楽 (サルガク) sarugaku (form of theatre popular in Japan during the 11th to 14th centuries), noh, fooling around
楽しい (たのしい) enjoyable, fun, pleasant, happy, delightful
楽しい思い出 (たのしいおもいで) happy memory, sweet memory
楽しむ (たのしむ) to enjoy, to take pleasure in, to have a good time, to have fun, to look forward to