
Stroke count: 13

Meaning: seize, spring upon, strike

Kunyomi: う.つ と.る

Onyomi: ハク




Meaning: hand


Onyomi Examples

拍動 ハクドウ pulsation, pulsebeat

竜攘虎 リュウジョウコハク fierce fighting

Kunyomi Examples

打つ うつ to hit, to strike, to knock, to beat, to punch, to slap, to tap, to bang, to clap, to pound, to strike (noon, etc.), to sound (cymbals, etc.), to beat (a drum, etc.), to beat (rhythmically, e.g. pulse, waves, etc.), to move, to impress, to touch, to drive in, to hammer in, to put in, to inject, to vaccinate, to type, to send, to transmit, to insert, to write in, to mark, to make (noodles, etc.), to prepare, to till (soil), to sprinkle, to throw, to cast, to do, to carry out, to play, to perform, to engage in (gambling, etc.), to pay (a deposit, etc.), to visit (on a pilgrimage), to line (a coat), to bind (a criminal)