揃える (そろえる) to collect, to gather, to get together, to complete (a collection), to arrange, to put in order, to prepare, to get ready, to make uniform, to make even, to match
揃う (そろう) to be complete, to be all present, to make a full set, to be satisfied (of conditions), to be equal, to be uniform, to be even, to match, to agree, to gather, to assemble, to be collected
揃い (そろい) set, suit, uniform collection, matching items, entirely, all, every one, nothing but
揃い踏み (そろいぶみ) ritual stamping in the ring, lineup, appearance together
Jinmeiyō kanji, used in names
2412 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 12
Meaning: be complete, uniform, all present
Kunyomi: そろ.える そろ.う そろ.い き.る
Onyomi: セン
Composition: 扌 前
Radical: 手
Meaning: hand
Kunyomi Examples
揃える (そろえる) to collect, to gather, to get together, to complete (a collection), to arrange, to put in order, to prepare, to get ready, to make uniform, to make even, to match
揃う (そろう) to be complete, to be all present, to make a full set, to be satisfied (of conditions), to be equal, to be uniform, to be even, to match, to agree, to gather, to assemble, to be collected
揃い (そろい) set, suit, uniform collection, matching items, entirely, all, every one, nothing but
揃い踏み (そろいぶみ) ritual stamping in the ring, lineup, appearance together