
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high

JLPT level: N2

1257 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 11

Meaning: dig, delve, excavate

Kunyomi: ほ.る

Onyomi: クツ




Reading: てへん

Meaning: hand

Strokes: 3


Examples with audio

削する(くっさくする)   dig out, excavate

する(はっくつする)   excavate, unearth, exhume

する(さいくつする)   mine [v.t.]

る(ほる)   dig, excavate

り下げる(ほりさげる)   dig down, delve into

り返す(ほりかえす)   dig up, turn up, tear up

り出し物(ほりだしもの)   good buy, bargain, treasure

露天堀り(ろてんぼり)   open air strip mining

Onyomi Examples

ハックツ excavation, exhumation, digging up, unearthing, discovery (of a new fact, talent, etc.), finding, unearthing

トウクツ illegal digging, illegal mining, grave robbing, tomb robbing

Kunyomi Examples

ほる to dig, to excavate, to hollow, to delve into, to dig up (e.g. vegetables), (for two men) to have anal sex