
Jinmeiyō kanji, used in names

Stroke count: 6

Meaning: requesting, entrusting with, pretend, hint

Kunyomi: たく.する たの.む

Onyomi: タク




Meaning: hand


Onyomi Examples

託す タクス to entrust (someone) with, to leave (a matter) with someone, to place under someone's care, to have someone deliver (a message, parcel, etc.), to send (through someone), to leave (a message) with someone, to use (something) to express (one's feelings, opinion, etc.), to express in the form of (something), to use as a pretext

タクハツ religious mendicancy, asking for alms, monk's begging, going with one's bowl to the meditation hall at mealtime (in a Zen temple)

屈託 クッタク worry, care, concern, ennui, boredom

結託 ケッタク conspiracy, collusion

Kunyomi Examples

託する たくする to entrust (someone) with, to leave (a matter) with someone, to place under someone's care, to have someone deliver (a message, parcel, etc.), to send (through someone), to leave (a message) with someone, to use (something) to express (one's feelings, opinion, etc.), to express in the form of (something), to use as a pretext