Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
JLPT level: N2
1084 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 10
Meaning: trouble, worry, in pain, distress, illness
Kunyomi: なや.む なや.ます なや.ましい なやみ
Onyomi: ノウ
Composition: 忄
Radical: 心
Reading: りっしんべん
Meaning: heart
Strokes: 3
煩悩(ぼんのう) earthly desires, carnal desires
苦悩する(くのうする) suffer, be anguished
悩ます(なやます) afflict, torment, harass [v.t.]
悩む(なやむ) be worried, be troubled [v.i.]
悩み(なやみ) trouble, worry [n.]
悩ましい(なやましい) seductive
悩殺 (ノウサツ) fascinate, bewitch, enchant
悩乱 (ノウラン) worry, anguish
懊悩 (オウノウ) anguish, trouble, agony
煩悶懊悩 (ハンモンオウノウ) anguish, agony
悩む (なやむ) to be worried, to be troubled
悩ます (なやます) to afflict, to torment, to harass, to molest
悩ましい (なやましい) seductive, carnal, enchanting, troubling, difficult, thorny, hard, anxious, uneasy
悩み (なやみ) trouble, troubles, worry, distress, sorrows, anguish, agony, problem
悩み事 (なやみごと) matter causing distress, something causing worry
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
JLPT level: N2
1084 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 10
Meaning: trouble, worry, in pain, distress, illness
Kunyomi: なや.む なや.ます なや.ましい なやみ
Onyomi: ノウ
Composition: 忄
Radical: 心
Reading: りっしんべん
Meaning: heart
Strokes: 3
煩悩(ぼんのう) earthly desires, carnal desires
苦悩する(くのうする) suffer, be anguished
悩ます(なやます) afflict, torment, harass [v.t.]
悩む(なやむ) be worried, be troubled [v.i.]
悩み(なやみ) trouble, worry [n.]
悩ましい(なやましい) seductive
悩殺 (ノウサツ) fascinate, bewitch, enchant
悩乱 (ノウラン) worry, anguish
懊悩 (オウノウ) anguish, trouble, agony
煩悶懊悩 (ハンモンオウノウ) anguish, agony
悩む (なやむ) to be worried, to be troubled
悩ます (なやます) to afflict, to torment, to harass, to molest
悩ましい (なやましい) seductive, carnal, enchanting, troubling, difficult, thorny, hard, anxious, uneasy
悩み (なやみ) trouble, troubles, worry, distress, sorrows, anguish, agony, problem
悩み事 (なやみごと) matter causing distress, something causing worry