Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
JLPT level: N3
878 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 10
Meaning: fear, dread, awe
Kunyomi: おそ.れる おそ.る おそ.ろしい こわ.い こわ.がる
Onyomi: キョウ
Composition: 心
Radical: 心
Reading: こころ
Meaning: heart
Strokes: 4
恐怖(きょうふ) terror
恐慌(きょうこう) financial panic
恐竜(きょうりゅう) dinosaur
恐妻家(きょうさいか) hen-pecked husband
恐縮する(きょうしゅくする) feel obliged, indebted
恐らく(おそらく) perhaps
恐れる(おそれる) fear [v.t.]
恐る恐る(おそるおそる) timidly
恐ろしい(おそろしい) terrible, dreadful
恐慌 (キョウコウ) panic, scare, alarm, panic, financial panic
恐喝 (キョウカツ) blackmail, extortion, threat (to extort money)
戦々恐々 (センセンキョウキョウ) trembling with fear, filled with trepidation
最恐 (サイキョウ) scariest, most frightening
恐れる (おそれる) to fear, to be afraid of
恐る (おそる) to fear, to be afraid
恐る恐る (おそるおそる) fearfully, timidly, nervously, cautiously, gingerly
恐ろしい (おそろしい) terrible, dreadful, terrifying, frightening, surprising, startling, tremendous, amazing
恐ろしい思いをする (おそろしいおもいをする) to find oneself fearful, to have an awful time
怖い (こわい) scary, frightening, eerie, dreadful
怖いもの見たさ (こわいものみたさ) curiosity of fear, urge to look at something frightening, wanting to take a peek at something unpleasant
怖がる (こわがる) to be afraid of, to fear, to dread, to be nervous (about), to be shy (of)
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
JLPT level: N3
878 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 10
Meaning: fear, dread, awe
Kunyomi: おそ.れる おそ.る おそ.ろしい こわ.い こわ.がる
Onyomi: キョウ
Composition: 心
Radical: 心
Reading: こころ
Meaning: heart
Strokes: 4
恐怖(きょうふ) terror
恐慌(きょうこう) financial panic
恐竜(きょうりゅう) dinosaur
恐妻家(きょうさいか) hen-pecked husband
恐縮する(きょうしゅくする) feel obliged, indebted
恐らく(おそらく) perhaps
恐れる(おそれる) fear [v.t.]
恐る恐る(おそるおそる) timidly
恐ろしい(おそろしい) terrible, dreadful
恐慌 (キョウコウ) panic, scare, alarm, panic, financial panic
恐喝 (キョウカツ) blackmail, extortion, threat (to extort money)
戦々恐々 (センセンキョウキョウ) trembling with fear, filled with trepidation
最恐 (サイキョウ) scariest, most frightening
恐れる (おそれる) to fear, to be afraid of
恐る (おそる) to fear, to be afraid
恐る恐る (おそるおそる) fearfully, timidly, nervously, cautiously, gingerly
恐ろしい (おそろしい) terrible, dreadful, terrifying, frightening, surprising, startling, tremendous, amazing
恐ろしい思いをする (おそろしいおもいをする) to find oneself fearful, to have an awful time
怖い (こわい) scary, frightening, eerie, dreadful
怖いもの見たさ (こわいものみたさ) curiosity of fear, urge to look at something frightening, wanting to take a peek at something unpleasant
怖がる (こわがる) to be afraid of, to fear, to dread, to be nervous (about), to be shy (of)