Jinmeiyō kanji, used in names
JLPT level: N1
1117 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 9
Meaning: lad, boy (ancient)
Kunyomi: ひこ
Onyomi: ゲン
Composition: 立 厂 彡
Radical: 彡
Meaning: bristle, beard
諸彦 (ショゲン) many accomplished persons
俊彦 (シュンゲン) gifted man, accomplished man
彦 (ひこ) boy
彦星 (ひこぼし) Altair (star in the constellation Aquila), Alpha Aquilae
猿田彦 (さるたひこ) Sarutahiko (Shinto god), Sarudahiko, Sarutabiko, Sarudabiko
長髄彦 (ながすねひこ) Nagasunehiko, legendary clan leader who opposed Emperor Jimmu's unification of Japan and was subsequently killed by the deity Nigihayahi