Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 6
JLPT level: N2
793 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 5
Meaning: government office
Kunyomi: やくしょ
Onyomi: チョウ テイ
Composition: 广 丁
Radical: 广
Reading: まだれ
Meaning: house on cliff
Strokes: 3
庁舎(ちょうしゃ) government office building
官庁(かんちょう) government office
都庁(とちょう) Tokyo Metropolitan area office
県庁(けんちょう) prefectural office
警視庁(けいしちょう) police headquarters
環境庁(かんきょうちょう) the Department of Environment
気象庁(きしょうちょう) the Department of Meteorology
庁 (チョウ) government office, agency, board
庁舎 (チョウシャ) government office building
国税庁 (コクゼイチョウ) National Tax Agency (Japan), national taxation agency (e.g. IRS)
政庁 (セイチョウ) government office