
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 3

JLPT level: N3

34 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 7

Meaning: vis-a-vis, opposite, even, equal, versus, anti-, compare

Kunyomi: あいて こた.える そろ.い つれあ.い なら.ぶ むか.う

Onyomi: タイ ツイ




Reading: すんづくり

Meaning: thumb, inch

Strokes: 3


Examples with audio

する(はんたいする)   disagree, object

抗する(たいこうする)   oppose, cope

応する(たいおうする)   deal with

立する(たいりつする)   confront

象(たいしょう)   target [n.], object [n.]

日(たいにち)   with respect to Japan

(ぜったい)   absolute

等な(たいとうな)   equivalent

(つい)   pair, couple

Onyomi Examples

タイ opposite, opposition, versus, vs., v., to (e.g. "winning a game five to three"), equal footing, equal terms, against ..., anti-, toward ..., to ...

タイアン counter-proposal, counter-suggestion

コクタイ Committee of the National Diet

ソウタイ relativity, relative, facing (e.g. a problem), confronting

ツイ pair, couple, set, antithesis, counter for items that come in pairs, counter for sets (of clothes, small furniture, utensils, etc.)

ツイク couplet, antithesis

イッツイ pair, couple

ソウツイ duality

Kunyomi Examples

たいしゅ opponent (in combat)

向かう むかう to face, to go towards, to head towards