Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 2
JLPT level: N2
879 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 6
Meaning: Buddhist temple
Kunyomi: てら
Onyomi: ジ
Composition: 土 寸
Radical: 寸
Reading: すん
Meaning: thumb, inch
Strokes: 3
寺院(じいん) temple
社寺(しゃじ) shrines and temples
東大寺(とうだいじ) Todaiji Temple
金閣寺(きんかくじ) Kinkakuji Temple
寺(てら) temple
寺参り(てらまいり) ritual visits to a temple
尼寺(あまでら) nunnery, convent
山寺(やまでら) mountain temple
寺 (ジ) counter for temples
寺院 (ジイン) Buddhist temple, religious building, church, cathedral, mosque
国分寺 (コクブンジ) state-supported provincial temple (Nara period)
古寺 (コジ) old temple
寺 (てら) temple (Buddhist)
寺子屋 (てらこや) temple elementary school (during the Edo period)
宮寺 (ぐうじ) Buddhist temple within a Shinto shrine