Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
JLPT level: N1
1207 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 13
Meaning: dislike, detest, hate
Kunyomi: きら.う きら.い いや
Onyomi: ケン ゲン
Composition: 女 兼
Radical: 女
Reading: おんなへん
Meaning: woman, female
Strokes: 3
自己嫌悪(じこけんお) self-hatred
機嫌(きげん) mood
嫌う(きらう) dislike [v.t.]
嫌いな(きらいな) dislike
好き嫌い(すききらい) likes and dislikes
食わず嫌い(くわずぎらい) prejudiced against (some food)
嫌な(いやな) unpleasant
嫌がる(いやがる) dislike, unwilling, reluctant [v.t.]
嫌気 (イヤキ) dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of
嫌悪 (ケンオ) disgust, hate, repugnance, loathing
酒機嫌 (サカキゲン) one's mood when drinking alcohol
屠蘇機嫌 (トソキゲン) feeling a little drunk with the New Year's sake
嫌う (きらう) to hate, to dislike, to loathe
嫌い (きらい) disliked, hated, disagreeable, tendency, smack (of), touch (of), distinction, discrimination
嫌いがある (きらいがある) to have a tendency to, to be liable to, to have a touch of, to have a smack of
嫌 (いや) disagreeable, detestable, unpleasant, reluctant
嫌がらせ (いやがらせ) harassment, pestering
Jōyō kanji, Taught in junior high
JLPT level: N1
1207 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 13
Meaning: dislike, detest, hate
Kunyomi: きら.う きら.い いや
Onyomi: ケン ゲン
Composition: 女 兼
Radical: 女
Reading: おんなへん
Meaning: woman, female
Strokes: 3
自己嫌悪(じこけんお) self-hatred
機嫌(きげん) mood
嫌う(きらう) dislike [v.t.]
嫌いな(きらいな) dislike
好き嫌い(すききらい) likes and dislikes
食わず嫌い(くわずぎらい) prejudiced against (some food)
嫌な(いやな) unpleasant
嫌がる(いやがる) dislike, unwilling, reluctant [v.t.]
嫌気 (イヤキ) dislike, disgust, disinclination, tired of
嫌悪 (ケンオ) disgust, hate, repugnance, loathing
酒機嫌 (サカキゲン) one's mood when drinking alcohol
屠蘇機嫌 (トソキゲン) feeling a little drunk with the New Year's sake
嫌う (きらう) to hate, to dislike, to loathe
嫌い (きらい) disliked, hated, disagreeable, tendency, smack (of), touch (of), distinction, discrimination
嫌いがある (きらいがある) to have a tendency to, to be liable to, to have a touch of, to have a smack of
嫌 (いや) disagreeable, detestable, unpleasant, reluctant
嫌がらせ (いやがらせ) harassment, pestering