
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 4

JLPT level: N2

1148 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 13

Meaning: salt

Kunyomi: しお

Onyomi: エン




Reading: つちへん

Meaning: earth

Strokes: 3


Examples with audio

分(えんぶん)   salt, salt content

酸(えんさん)   hydrochloric acid

素(えんそ)   chlorine

害(えんがい)   salt-air damage

(しょくえん)   table salt

(しお)   salt

味(しおあじ)   salty flavor

辛い(しおからい)   salty

水(しおみず)   salt water, brine

Onyomi Examples

エン salt (e.g. sodium chloride, calcium sulfate, etc.), chloride

エンカ chloride

ゲンエン reduction of salt, sodium restriction

ガンエン halite, rock salt

Kunyomi Examples

しお salt, common salt, table salt, sodium chloride, hardship, toil, trouble, saltiness, cold, unwelcoming, indifferent

辛い しおからい salty (taste), briny

がんえん halite, rock salt

てしお table salt, small plate