
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 5

JLPT level: N3

211 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 6

Meaning: exist, outskirts, suburbs, located in

Kunyomi: あ.る

Onyomi: ザイ




Reading: つち

Meaning: earth

Strokes: 3


Examples with audio

学する(ざいがくする)   be enrolled (school)

籍する(ざいせきする)   be registered (school)

宅する(ざいたくする)   be at home

する(そんざいする)   exist

する(じつざいする)   (really) exist

する(たいざいする)   stay

日(ざいにち)   living/staying in Japan

庫(ざいこ)   stock, inventory

(げんざい)   present [n.]

(ふざい)   absent

自由自に(じゆうじざいに)   freely

る(ある)   be, exist

Onyomi Examples

ザイ the country, countryside, outskirts, suburbs, presence, being in attendance, situated in, staying in, resident in

ザイガイ overseas, abroad

ケンザイ being actual (as opposed to hidden or latent), being apparent, being obvious, being tangible, being revealed

カイザイ existing (between), interposition, intervention, involvement

Kunyomi Examples

有る ある to be, to exist, to live, to have, to be located, to be equipped with, to happen, to come about

るが儘 あるがまま in truth, as it is, as you are, in practice