
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 6

JLPT level: N3

843 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 7

Meaning: quandary, become distressed, annoyed

Kunyomi: こま.る

Onyomi: コン




Reading: くにがまえ

Meaning: enclosure

Strokes: 3


Examples with audio

惑する(こんわくする)   be bewildered

難(こんなん)   difficulty

(ひんこん)   poverty

る(こまる)   have trouble

Onyomi Examples

コンワク bewilderment, perplexity, embarrassment, discomfiture, bafflement

コンナン difficulty, hardship, trouble, distress, infeasibility, inability (to carry out)

絶対貧 ゼッタイヒンコン absolute poverty

絶対的貧 ゼッタイテキヒンコン absolute poverty

Kunyomi Examples

こまる to be troubled, to have difficulty, to be in a fix, to be at a loss, to be stumped, to be embarrassed, to be bothered, to be inconvenienced, to be annoyed, to be badly off, to be hard up, to be in straitened circumstances