Stroke count: 7
Meaning: miserly, stingy, sparing
Kunyomi: しわ.い, やぶさ.か, おし.む
Onyomi: リン
Composition: 文 口
Radical: 口
Meaning: mouth, opening
悋気 (リンキ) jealousy
吝嗇 (リンショク) stinginess, miserliness, parsimony
倹吝 (ケンリン) greedy and stingy
吝い (しわい) stingy, cheap, very frugal
吝か (やぶさか) reluctant, hesitant
吝かでない (やぶさかでない) ready (to do), willing
惜しむ (おしむ) to be frugal, to be sparing, to value, to hold dear, to regret (e.g. a loss), to feel sorry (for), to be unwilling, to be reluctant