
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 2

JLPT level: N3

41 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 6

Meaning: fit, suit, join, 0.1

Kunyomi: あ.う -あ.う あ.い あい- -あ.い -あい あ.わす あ.わせる -あ.わせる

Onyomi: ゴウ ガッ カッ




Reading: くち

Meaning: mouth, opening

Strokes: 3


Examples with audio

計する(ごうけいする)   add up

意する(ごういする)   agree

する(しゅうごうする)   gather [v.i.]

(つごう)   convenience

戦(かっせん)   battle

唱(がっしょう)   chorus

衆国(がっしゅうこく)   United States of America

う(あう)   match [v.i.]

助けう(たすけあう)   help each other

わせる(あわせる)   put together, join, adapt

知りい(しりあい)   acquaintance

(しあい)   game, match

Onyomi Examples

ゴウ gō, traditional unit of volume, approx. 0.1804 litres, gō, traditional unit of area, approx 0.33 metres square, one-tenth of the way from the base to the summit of a mountain, conjunction, sum, total, synthesis (in dialectics), minor premise (in hetuvidya), counter for covered containers, counter for matches, battles, etc.

ゴウイ (coming to an) agreement, consent, mutual understanding, accord, consensus

フクゴウ composite, combined, complex

セイゴウ adjustment, coordination, integration, conformity

宿 ガッシュク lodging together, training camp, boarding house

ガッサク collaboration, joint work

カッセン battle, fight, fighting, engagement, contest

カッパ raincoat

Kunyomi Examples

あう to come together, to merge, to unite, to meet, to fit, to match, to suit, to agree with, to be correct, to be profitable, to be equitable, to do ... to each other, to do ... together

うも不思議、わぬも不思議 あうもふしぎあわぬもふしぎ dreams and fortune-telling are hit-and-miss

あい between-season wear, spring and autumn clothing, spring and fall clothing, together, condition, situation, state, -ish

言葉 あいことば password, watchword, motto, slogan

まちあい rendezvous, meeting, assignation, area where guests gather before the start of a tea ceremony, waiting room, meeting place for assignations, drinking, etc.

じあい texture (cloth, fabric, paper), market tone, undertone, balance between the position of white and black stones (in go)

わす あわす to match (rhythm, speed, etc.), to join together, to unite, to combine, to add up, to face, to be opposite (someone), to compare, to check with, to cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate), to place together, to connect, to overlap, to mix, to combine, to put blade to blade, to fight

わせる あわせる to match (rhythm, speed, etc.), to join together, to unite, to combine, to add up, to face, to be opposite (someone), to compare, to check with, to cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate), to place together, to connect, to overlap, to mix, to combine, to put blade to blade, to fight

わせる顔がない あわせるかおがない too ashamed to meet