Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 6
JLPT level: N3
337 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 4
Meaning: income, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store
Kunyomi: おさ.める, おさ.まる
Onyomi: シュウ
Composition: 又
Radical: 又
Reading: また
Meaning: right hand
Strokes: 2
収入(しゅうにゅう) income, receipts, revenue
収支(しゅうし) income and expenditure
月収(げっしゅう) monthly income
年収(ねんしゅう) annual income
領収書(りょうしゅうしょ) receipt
収穫する(しゅうかくする) harvest, gather in, reap
収集する(しゅうしゅうする) collect, gather, accumulate
収拾する(しゅうしゅうする) get under control, handle
吸収する(きゅうしゅうする) absorb, assimilate, suck in
買収する(ばいしゅうする) buy, purchase, bribe
収める(おさめる) pay, deliver, store, keep
収まる(おさまる) fall into place, settle down
収穫 (シュウカク) harvest, crop, ingathering, fruits (of one's labors), gain, result, returns
収益 (シュウエキ) earnings, proceeds, returns, revenue
徴収 (チョウシュウ) collection (of fees, taxes, etc.), levy
増収 (ゾウシュウ) increase in yield
収める (おさめる) to pay (fees, taxes, etc.), to dedicate, to make an offering, to supply, to put away (in), to keep, to store, to finish, to bring to a close, to restore (something to its place), to achieve (e.g. a result)
収まる (おさまる) to fit into (a box, frame, category, etc.), to be contained within, to fall within (e.g. a budget), to settle down (into), to be installed (in one's rightful place), to be returned (to one's original position), to settle into (one's position), to take up (a post), to occupy (a role), to be delivered, to be paid (e.g. taxes), to be settled (dispute, conflict, etc.), to be sorted, to subside (e.g. wind), to calm down, to abate, to be satisfied (e.g. with an answer), to consent, to agree