
Jinmeiyō kanji, used in names

2425 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 12

Meaning: kitchen

Kunyomi: くりや

Onyomi: シュウ チュ チュウ




Meaning: cliff


Onyomi Examples

ズシ miniature shrine with double doors (used to store important Buddhist items such as sutras, etc.), cabinet with double doors (used by the nobility to store books, etc.), (in Okinawa) carved and decorated stone container for storing the bones of one's ancestors

子甕 ズシガメ decorated pottery container for storing the bones of one's ancestors (Okinawa)

チュウ (Internet) troll, nerd, freak, addict, fag

チュウボウ kitchen, galley, (Internet) troll

チュウ (Internet) troll, nerd, freak, addict, fag

チュウボウ kitchen, galley, (Internet) troll

出会い デアイチュウ person who attends meetups or uses social media to proposition people for sex

海外 カイガイチュウ person who argues that everything is better abroad (esp. football), self-hating Japanese

Kunyomi Examples

くりや kitchen

ちゅうじん chef, head cook