
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 5

JLPT level: N2

753 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Stroke count: 9

Meaning: rule, law, follow, based on, model after

Kunyomi: のっと.る のり すなわち

Onyomi: ソク




Reading: りっとう

Meaning: knife, sword

Strokes: 2


Examples with audio

(きそく)   regulation

(ほうそく)   law, principle (e.g. in physics)

(げんそく)   principle

(ばっそく)   penal regulations

(かいそく)   society or club regulations

不規な(ふきそくな)   irregular

する(はんそくする)   violate

Onyomi Examples

ソク counter for rules, rule, regulation

即する ソクスル to conform to, to agree with, to be adapted to, to be based on

キソク rule, regulation

セイソク correct, proper, formal, regular, systematic, normal, invertible (matrix), holomorphic

Kunyomi Examples

のっとる to conform to, to be in accordance with, to follow (rule, tradition, example, etc.)

のり rule, law, regulation, model, pattern, teachings of Buddha, Buddhist doctrine, transverse measurement, measurement across, side-slope, slope

即ち すなわち that is, namely, i.e.