Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 4
JLPT level: N4
214 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 7
Meaning: separate, branch off, diverge, fork, another, extra, specially
Kunyomi: わか.れる わ.ける
Onyomi: ベツ
Composition: 刂
Radical: 刀
Reading: りっとう
Meaning: knife, sword
Strokes: 2
特別な(とくべつな) special
別な(べつな) different, another
別々に(べつべつに) separately
個別に(こべつに) individually
別離(べつり) parting
別荘(べっそう) summer home
別世界(べっせかい) another world
差別する(さべつする) discriminate
区別する(くべつする) differentiate
別居する(べっきょする) separate (i.e. a married couple)
別れる(わかれる) be divided, part from
別 (ベツ) distinction, difference, discrimination, separate, different, another, extra, exception, exclusion, classified by, ranked by, according to
別院 (ベツイン) branch temple
無差別 (ムサベツ) indiscrimination, without discrimination, indiscriminate
告別 (コクベツ) farewell, leave-taking
別れる (わかれる) to part (usu. of people), to part from, to part with, to be apart from, to separate (of a couple), to break up, to divorce, to lose (e.g. one's mother), to be bereaved
分ける (わける) to divide (into), to split (into), to part, to separate, to divide up, to classify, to sort out, to divide out, to share, to distribute, to deal out, to dish out, to distinguish, to discriminate, to differentiate (between), to break up (a fight), to mediate, to call a draw, to tie, to push one's way through (a crowd), to sell
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 4
JLPT level: N4
214 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 7
Meaning: separate, branch off, diverge, fork, another, extra, specially
Kunyomi: わか.れる わ.ける
Onyomi: ベツ
Composition: 刂
Radical: 刀
Reading: りっとう
Meaning: knife, sword
Strokes: 2
特別な(とくべつな) special
別な(べつな) different, another
別々に(べつべつに) separately
個別に(こべつに) individually
別離(べつり) parting
別荘(べっそう) summer home
別世界(べっせかい) another world
差別する(さべつする) discriminate
区別する(くべつする) differentiate
別居する(べっきょする) separate (i.e. a married couple)
別れる(わかれる) be divided, part from
別 (ベツ) distinction, difference, discrimination, separate, different, another, extra, exception, exclusion, classified by, ranked by, according to
別院 (ベツイン) branch temple
無差別 (ムサベツ) indiscrimination, without discrimination, indiscriminate
告別 (コクベツ) farewell, leave-taking
別れる (わかれる) to part (usu. of people), to part from, to part with, to be apart from, to separate (of a couple), to break up, to divorce, to lose (e.g. one's mother), to be bereaved
分ける (わける) to divide (into), to split (into), to part, to separate, to divide up, to classify, to sort out, to divide out, to share, to distribute, to deal out, to dish out, to distinguish, to discriminate, to differentiate (between), to break up (a fight), to mediate, to call a draw, to tie, to push one's way through (a crowd), to sell