Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 4
JLPT level: N4
932 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers
Stroke count: 10
Meaning: borrow, rent
Kunyomi: か.りる
Onyomi: シャク
Composition: 亻 昔
Radical: 人
Reading: にんべん
Meaning: man, human
Strokes: 2
拝借する(はいしゃくする) borrow [hum.]
借金(しゃっきん) debt
借家(しゃくや) rented house
借りる(かりる) borrow
借家 (シャクヤ) house for rent, rented house, renting a house
借地 (シャクチ) leased land
賃借 (チンシャク) hiring, renting, leasing
賃貸借 (チンタイシャク) renting, leasing
借りる (かりる) to borrow, to have a loan, to rent, to hire
借りる時の地蔵顔、なす時の閻魔顔 (かりるときのじぞうがおなすときのえんまがお) people look friendly when they ask for a loan but not so much when they repay it, when borrowing (the money), the face of the (bodhisattva) Kshitigarbha; when returning it, the face of the (hell king) Yama