Stroke count: 4
Meaning: be seen dimly, suggest, intimate, faint, stupid, hint
Kunyomi: ほの.か ほの- ほの.めかす ほの.めく かたむ.く
Onyomi: ソク
Composition: 厂 人
Radical: 人
Meaning: man, human
仄韻 (ソクイン) oblique-tone rhyme (of Chinese)
仄声 (ソクセイ) oblique tones (the three tones of Chinese that exclude the high-level, or first, tone)
仄か (ほのか) faint, indistinct, dim, few, a little
仄めかす (ほのめかす) to hint at, to intimate, to suggest, to allude to, to imply
仄めく (ほのめく) to be seen dimly, to glimmer